Home - Pleasant

I am Henny Zerstegen and would like to welcome you to :
B-One practice for Natural and Chinese Medicine
Tai Chi Chuan & Taijiwuxigong. 
Moving is good for you. Tai Chi can help you move better, become more flexible and therefore feel better. Allowing you to enjoy exercising is my goal. Fall prevention is one of the components in the lessons. 

In my lessons I teach you: 
• to release tensions by moving slowly 
• to open joints and relax muscles 
• how to bring your body and mind into harmony
• The effect of my lessons is personal for everyone. 
You will notice the difference after just a few weeks. 
The practice is to support you when you run into something during the lessons and you can use some help from outside. You can of course make an appointment  with burn-out, bore-out and / or other specific complaints, regardless of the lessons.

95% of my students say they sleep better / 
deeper after the Tai Chi class.

More info

agenda lessons 
brabant & Utrecht

Starters can get acquainted with 
3 trial lessons for € 25,-  
Mon. 10:00  - 11.15   'De Boodschap', Nassaulaan 63-65 
Wo. 19:00  - 20:00  Form training (coming)
 20.15 - 21.30     Qigong / Taijiwuxigong training (coming)    
Primary school de Vijf Eiken, Van duivenvoordestraat 7 
Vr. 9-10 uur make contact
 Mon. 14:00 - 15:00      'De Slotjes' NVVH  
Tue. 20:00  - 21:15    'De Linde', Wipakker 16 
 Wed. 9:00  - 10:00   Seniors Gilze, de Schakel SVG 
Vr. 13:30   - 14.45   , Bint' Meanderplein 23a 
Lia Foolen: 073 - 5515432) 
 Vr. 15:30  - 16:45  Berlicum 'Bint' Runweg 11 
(Lia Foolen: 073 - 5515432) 
UTRECHT (evening)
 Mon. 20:30  - 21:30  Utrecht, Gymzaal Lingestraat 2b 
Registration or info call: 0161 - 226 246 / 06 30 15 25 19 
via sms, app or email hennyzestegen@hotmail.com
TReatments / rates

"Take proof of identity with you for the first treatment!" 
1st consultation duration 1.5 hours incl.
 Intake and treatment € 60 
• BOCAM BMC (Body Mind Control) 2.5 hours € 150 
• Bocam treatments € 50 
• Therapeutic massage € 60 
• Moxa Therapy € 60 
• Ear candle therapy 1 €45 
• Buqi Treatment € 50 
Buqi, Foot Reflexology, Cranio Sacral  and Bach Flower Therapy 
might be integrated into the treatments. 

Do you suffer from specific complaints? 
You are always welcome for a customized consultation in my practice.
 (The practice is health insurance recognized through supplementary insurance) Ask your health insurance policy.
explanation of treatments
Stilte meditatie / www.stadsverlichting.nu
Vrijdagavond van 20 – 21 uur, rustige inloop vanaf 19.45 uur. 27  22 mei, 19 juni . 
Geen kosten. Bereid je voor door handen en voeten te wassen en schone sokken aan te doen.
Geen parfum of andere sterke geuren gebruiken svp.
Zaterdag 30 mei, 27 juni 10-14 uur, € 35,-
Inhoud: Wuxi stand, Specifieke Qigong oefeningen mbt Houtelement / Vuurelement, 
Oefeningen op papier of digitaal. ligmeditatie, kennismaking met zwaard of stok   
Rijen bij mooi weer buiten: Sportparkweg 

Cranio Sacraal: B-One, heeft op dinsdag 14 januari 2020 haar Propadeuse gehaald bij de 
Peirsman Cranio Sacraal Academie in Bussum.
Kennismaken met Cranio Sacraal ? neem contact op.
Het lichaam uitnodigen om zichzelf te ontspannen via de fascia (bindweefsel)  
door lichte aanraking, Dit geeft een diepgaande ontspanning. Kleding blijft aan.
Basis behandeling fascia ontspannen. Diepere lagen worden geraakt. Contact Hart e.a.
Vraag speciale kennismakingsprijs aan voor 3 sessies, na 3 x merkbare positieve verandering.
 Tel. 0161226246 / 0630152519 B-One Fall 2019

Some info about 
     the  LESSONS

There are Tai Chi Chuan and Taijiwuxigong lessons every week, see agenda. When you start, I recommend a minimum of three trial lessons to discover what Tai Chi Chuan / Taijiwuxigong can do for you. 

Tai Chi Chuan. We teach the Taiji-37. 
37 smoothly flowing soft round movements, from Nan Pei (Hemelberg) of the southern school.

Taijiwuxigong. We open the joints, relax the body and calm the mind.
And most important part 'SMILE'. 
For these movements we use the pushing and 
pulling power of the earth. 
This gives more energy, a better flow and more flexibility in the body.


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